Build the Life You Want with the Time You Have!

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Good morning Grinders,

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’d love to start that project, but I just don’t have the time”? Or maybe you’ve thought, “I’ll get to my goals once things slow down at work”? We’ve all been there—feeling like there’s never enough time in the day to tackle what’s most important.

But here’s the real question: Is it true that you don’t have the time, or are you just not prioritizing what matters most?

Let’s start our day watching this short 10 minutes Ted Talk from Laura Vanderkam.

Laura Vanderkam, the queen of time management and author of books like "168 Hours" and "Off the Clock," challenges us to rethink how we view our time. Spoiler alert: we actually have plenty of time to do what’s important—we just need to use it wisely. If we focus on what matters, we can absolutely build the life we want in the time we’ve got.

Let’s dive into how you can stop making excuses, start focusing on what matters, and use your time in a way that transforms your days (and life!) for the better.

Are You Really Out of Time?

Laura Vanderkam opens our eyes to a powerful truth: you have 168 hours every week. That’s right, 168 hours to fill however you choose. Even after you account for 8 hours of sleep per night and 40 hours of work each week, you’re still left with 72 hours of free time. So why do we constantly feel like we’re running out of time?

The problem isn’t the lack of time—it’s how we perceive and use it. We fill our days with tasks that don’t align with our true goals and priorities. Then, we’re left feeling like we never have enough time for the things that really matter.

Challenge: Try tracking your time for one week. Write down everything you do, from work to scrolling social media. This exercise will help you see where your time goes—and where you can reclaim it. You’ll likely discover you have more time than you thought!

What Really Matters to You?

Once you know where your time is going, it’s time to ask the next big question: Are you spending your time on what truly matters?

In her book "Off the Clock," Vanderkam talks about how most of us spend too much time on tasks that feel urgent but aren’t important—like checking emails, handling small fires at work, or saying yes to things out of obligation. All the while, the things that could actually make a difference in our lives—like spending time with family, working on a passion project, or learning a new skill—get pushed to the back burner.

Tip: Make a “List of What Matters.” Write down your top 3-5 priorities in life. These might include your relationships, personal growth, health, or career ambitions. Then, look at how much time you currently devote to these things. If the answer is “not much,” it’s time to shift your focus!

Stop Using Time as an Excuse

“I don’t have time” is probably one of the most common excuses we use to avoid doing the things that push us out of our comfort zone. But guess what? Vanderkam reminds us that there’s always time for what matters.

In "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast," she explains that the people who seem to have it all together aren’t magically gifted with more hours in the day. They’ve simply learned how to prioritize their time by doing the most important things first—often before the rest of the world is even awake.

The key is to stop waiting for time to appear and start making time for the things that matter. That passion project? The fitness goal? The new hobby? You can get started right now, with just a few minutes each day.

Action Step: Set aside 15 minutes every morning for something that matters to you. It could be writing, exercising, or simply sitting down to reflect on your goals. Consistency over time adds up to major results.

How Can You Make Time for Joy?

Let’s not forget that time isn’t just for productivity—it’s for joy, too. Vanderkam teaches us that one of the best ways to feel more fulfilled is to make time for the things that bring us happiness.

We often think we’ll get to the “fun stuff” when the work is done, but life doesn’t work that way. If we’re always waiting for the perfect moment to enjoy ourselves, we’ll miss out on the simple joys that make life beautiful.

Pro tip: Look at your week and schedule in pockets of joy. Whether it’s time with loved ones, a hobby you love, or a relaxing walk in the park—make sure you’re giving yourself permission to enjoy life, not just plow through it. You deserve it!

You Are the Architect of Your Time

At the heart of Vanderkam’s message is a simple yet powerful truth: you are in control of your time. Even if you have a demanding job, a busy family life, or a packed schedule, you have more flexibility than you think. It’s all about how you choose to spend your hours.

When you focus on what truly matters, you’ll find that everything else falls into place. You’ll stop feeling so busy and start feeling more fulfilled. After all, the goal isn’t to do everything—it’s to do the right things.

Motivational Boost: Instead of thinking, “I don’t have time,” start thinking, “How can I make time for what matters?” This shift in perspective will change how you approach your day, giving you more power and control over your life.

Stop the Excuses and Start Building the Life You Want

Laura Vanderkam’s work reminds us that time isn’t something that happens to us—we are the architects of our days. By focusing on what matters and letting go of the excuses, we can build the life we want within the time we have.

So, what are you waiting for? Start today. Track your time, refocus on your priorities, and say goodbye to the “I don’t have time” excuse once and for all. You’ve got the power to design your days—and your dream life is just one decision away.

Until next time, keep making every hour count!

Yours in success,

N. Amadeus

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